Parenting hack #354
We all know parenting isn’t easy and if you say it is, I will leave you with my two blessings (turdburgers), and run. I will run off on you, choosing to come back only when you are ready to be good and tell the truth. As my children grow, I grow as a parent, I become more creative and innovative by the day and as my son hit “terrible two’s” and now, what I’m a told is called “the threenager”, I have had no choice but to evolve into a story-teller. Story teller is such a nice way to say liar isn’t it? I lie, and that’s what works for me, I would drink the blood of a snake if you told me it would help make my children eat their dinner and stop hitting each other. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s all part of them being children and I have no intention to “dull their shine” or “break their wild spirits” but by the 50th “chew your food please” during dinner one night, I had to find a solution.
Prompted by the makeshift craft “dummy fairy” door we made a few months ago to say good-bye to my sons dummies, I looked into something a lot less of an eye sore to place in my home. I found the most gorgeous doors on Little Boo Teek, (you guys know how much I love that site, I actually used to fall asleep many nights just scrolling their site, adding things to my cart and then never checking out because I’d fallen asleep, only remember the next night when I’d wondered if I had actually ordered that little bunny night-light or not.) and I instantly saw how this was going to become one of those things we get carried away with as parents when it’s supposed to be for the kids. If I’m being honest when I set it up, I did look for the most secret corner of my daughter’s room, in hope that neither of them see it and destroy it. This did not work… funny that, they find a fairy door within 5 minutes of me putting it up and my son is still looking for his other shoe from a week ago.
I have started off small, just a few basics; the door, fence, a set of stairs because my house skirts are huge, a bench and the mail box. The mail box is my favourite of the accessories I have gotten so far, I leave little notes in there for Ari (he’s 3, he can’t read yet) so I write really random things like “purple bananas drive cars with monkeys” and then makes something random up like: “Dear Ari, I have been keeping an eye on you and love that you have been brushing your teeth. When I give you kisses at night your breath smells lovely. Love Nessa, your fairy.” Ok that message is still a little creepy but he loves it. We still need to work on the landscaping though, the lawn with toadstools (so gorgeous) and maybe even the cute bunnies.
- love
I decided to get the pink because even though I’m not a huge fan of pink, it is my sons favourite colour and I figure this way when Ambrosia is older, I’ve been told that she will most likely make me throw it in the bin if it isn’t pink, so I was safest with the “pale pink”, but they do come in a variety of colours to compliment or contrast with your decor. They didn’t have black white or grey though so the one I want to put in my bedroom to get my husband to behave will need a little bit of a refurb.
Here is the link for those wanting to have a look at whats available. The pieces are solid wood and great quality, with a meticulous paint job. These fairies have great trades in their neck of the woods, they need to have a few words with my builder. There are also pixie doors, if you’d like something a little more rustic looking or if you want to set it up in the garden somewhere, they’re super cute and only $17.95.
So far my son is definitely loving the notes from his fairy and was extremely distraught the other day when his sister ripped if off the wall (I think I need to attach with something more permanent than blu tak), he thought that the fairy wouldn’t find her way anymore because the door came off and there was no hole in the wall.
Thanks for reading. Zoe xoxo