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I’m sitting here with my gorgeous wooden USB plugged into my laptop staring at all the stunning images Michelle managed to achieve from spending the day with us crazies and I just have to tell you all about her.

I’ll start at the beginning….

We have had some issues with out corridor, well it’s the shotty builder not the corridor itself, and I came up with the genius idea of hiding the gorgeous lumps on the wall with beautiful portraits of the family. As you do, I mentioned it to my husband and he cringed. I was talking BIG (poster size), framed photos of us, all the way down our corridor. He envisioned those posed, matching white shirts, sitting up straight kind of portraits. You know the ones where, sometimes, if you’re REALLY lucky they even have an industrial fan blowing your hair in the wind and then they smooth the crap through your pictures so you look all “dreamy”. This was NOT what I had in mind.

I had recently come across Michelle from Michelle McKay Photography on Facebook and we had a chat about working together. I told her we were crazy and she was crazy about that! Perfect. In the lead up to the shoot Michelle was so approachable and we chatted heaps, I actually hugged her when I opened the front door because I felt like we knew each other just from emails back and forth. Michelle had asked me to think about what I wanted to capture, what a normal day at the George’s looks like. The first things that came to mind was hiding and scaring the crap through each, other which we do ALL THE TIME, the kids riding their scooters up and down the corridor and wrestling on the rug of course. If you follow me on social media you would have seen all of these on a daily basis. These are the things I want to remember when they the kids are 18 and no longer want to hug me in bed (ok that would be slightly creepy) or when i’m old and wrinkly sitting alone on my couch knitting and my children now have families of their own.

Michelle came over just as we finished breakfast and she said not to bother having them dressed because that part is fun too. As you can see Ari wasn’t embarrassed at all in front of her doing his traditional nudie run. She captured lots of laughs, some tears and even a tantrum or two. Then the boys went off for the girls to have some mother daughter bonding time, brushing hair, putting on makeup and giggling whilst putting on black tutus and gumboots.

I can’t emphasise how happy I am with every single image I have seen from this day. They make my heart hurt and I get so emotional because I love love love love love them!! I was not asked to write this blog but I am so incredibly impressed with Michelle that I want you all to see her work and BOOK HER!! Cement your memories, the everyday things your family does. Here are some of my faves. I have no idea how I’m going to only pick 5 to print for the house though.

Before I go…. Michelle has a special on at the moment for you guys. YES my family and friends (that’s you). Follow the link to see more images and book your session. HERE

Thank you so much Michelle! I LOVE YOU! (too soon?) xx