by The Subtle Mummy | Jun 1, 2016 | General
Let me preface this letter by saying I wrote this upstairs in bed crying after I threw a hissy fit. I love my husband and he does a great job. Some days though, he could be Daddy Perfect and it still wouldn’t be enough. Here is me being vulnerable. It...
by The Subtle Mummy | May 28, 2016 | General
Potty training envy is a “thing”, I’m sure of it. I bet we all go through it in the lead up but noone talks about it. My son is two and he is still not potty trained and I have serious potty training envy every time I see a child his age or younger with no...
by The Subtle Mummy | May 20, 2016 | General
As you get older, you start to mentally prepare yourself for certain milestones. There is plenty of warning and foresight, so you get to those points in your life where things change drastically and you feel like you are ok, because you knew what was coming. I was...
by The Subtle Mummy | May 17, 2016 | General
I remembered a funny incident today that had me searching through old Facebook posts to find. This was me as a new mum about 2 years ago. Shout out if you’re having one of “those” days! *warning this status is rated MO (mothers only)*** if...
by The Subtle Mummy | May 13, 2016 | General
Many of you may not know it but there is a secret underworld of mummy forums. The first rule of the mummy forum is you don’t talk about what happens in the mummy forum. They are private pages especially for mums to ask advice and what not. I was initiated and...