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Do you even DIY?

Do you even DIY?

Who doesn’t love a DIY? Well actually a lot of people, oops for them, but personally I love to! Ever since I was old enough to hold tools my dad (who is very handy) used to let me assist him on projects around the house. I just love getting my hands dirty. I...
The Life of a Foster Mum – Guest blog

The Life of a Foster Mum – Guest blog

The Life of a Foster Mum For 404 days I was able to watch him grow, For 404 days I helped him achieve his milestones, For 404 days I was able to love him unconditionally. Now it has been.. 792 hours since I was able to see his little face, 792 hours since I was able...
A mother who models.

A mother who models.

A mother who models. So, I have an uber scientific theory on parenting (for the record I’ve been a parent for what feels like 30 seconds, and I have but one cherub). It’s mainly based on a realisation I had. A quintessential “a-haaaa” moment....
This Is Why I Teach

This Is Why I Teach

This is why I teach.  I’m one of the lucky ones, for many reasons, however for the purpose of this article, it’s because I love my job. It’s cliché I know but seriously if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked ‘why?’ upon telling someone I’m a Secondary school...
Love Letters To My Child

Love Letters To My Child

The Grace Files Mum’s are busy, we all know this. We spend our whole day frantically running around after our little ones and then choose to scroll through social media, mind numbingly, in our down time. Not sure about you but if it wasn’t for Facebook...
A letter to my son

A letter to my son

To my beautiful son, You will never know the last words I said before I ever met you, and the first words right after we were introduced. You will never know just how nervous I was when they placed you on me, right on top of my heart. I looked around just to make sure...